0203 326 9160

What is REBT and how can it help?

Rational-Emotive-Behavioural Therapy (REBT) is a highly effective form of talking therapy that helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to emotional and psychological distress. It was developed by Dr Albert Ellis in the 1950s and is based on the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are ...

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Podcasts for parents and guardians of autistic children

Our podcast series provides parents valuable information and resources to help support their autistic children. Raising an autistic child can be both rewarding and challenging, so we created this podcast series as a safe space for parents to turn to for support, guidance and inspiration. Our team of experts, including psychologists, therapists, and...

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What to expect when taking your child to therapy

Starting therapy for your child can be daunting, but it's important to remember that it's a positive step towards helping them cope with their emotions and behaviours. Here are a few things to expect when your child begins talking therapy. First and foremost, therapy is a team effort. The therapist will work with your child, but you and potentially...

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Do I need counselling or psychotherapy?

Counselling and psychotherapy are types of mental health treatment that can significantly benefit people experiencing a wide range of emotional and psychological issues. However, for many people, deciding which option is right for them is difficult. First, it's helpful to understand the difference between counselling and psychotherapy. Counselling ...

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What's the difference between stress and anxiety?

  Stress and anxiety are often used interchangeably. But while the two share some common symptoms, there are also key differences. It is important to understand these differences, as it will help you find the most effective way to manage your symptoms and improve your mental health. Shared symptoms include high heart rate, sweating, and feelin...

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How to discover your autistic self-care needs

Self-care is important for everyone, especially for those who experience heightened anxiety which is common in the autistic community. To avoid exhaustion and burnout, it's important to adopt a sustainable approach to managing life's daily challenges. The key is learning what you need, what works for you, and where to get the right advice and suppo...

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Advice for schools to help children and young people with ADHD

ADHD affects behaviours such as hyperactivity, impulsiveness, inattentiveness. This often leads to difficulties with everyday functioning and completing tasks, but as an educational professional, there are lots of things you can do to help your students with ADHD get the most out of school life. We know that children and young people with ADHD ofte...

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Four things you should know about EMDR therapy

EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) is a relatively new therapy – but therapy standards. It was developed in the 1980s by a Psychologist who wanted to understand how and if we could reprogramme our brains to help us deal with the effects of trauma. Your brain will change after a trauma Research has shown that a trauma...

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Orthorexia – 5 signs your healthy eating isn’t so healthy after all

The concept of healthy eating is nothing new. Throughout history, people have always been conscious about what they eat, but never more so than in recent decades. There are seemingly endless claims about the health benefits of cutting out one thing or increasing another when it comes to our diets. In the 1960s, the low-carb Atkins diet was develope...

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Emotionally based school avoidance - what to do when your child refuses to go to school

When children completely refuse to go to school this can be extremely distressing for all parties. It is often accompanied by melt-downs, physical complaints such as stomach aches, headaches, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, pleading or begging to stay at home and even young people threatening to harm themselves if they are made to go to schoo...

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Am I depressed? 6 signs you should know about

Everyone feels low from time to time, so it’s not always easy to know when it is part-and-parcel of daily life, and when it’s time to seek help. In most cases, it is short-term and self-correcting, but for a significant minority this is not the case. For those individuals, it is important to seek treatment just as you would any other he...

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Worried how the kids will cope this Christmas?

We hear a lot about how Christmas can be difficult for adults with mental health issues – often exacerbating depression and feelings of loneliness - but what about children with a mental health condition? If your child struggles with anxiety or OCD then downtime can be difficult for them to manage. Children who are troubled with obsessive thi...

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Should I get an autism assessment?

Alis Rowe is the founder of The Curly Hair Project. She was diagnosed as autistic when she was 22 and today is considered by many to be one of the most inspirational advocates and supporters of autistic people, especially girls and women. In this blog, Alis discusses just a few of the benefits of getting a diagnosis. We often hear from adults who a...

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How we help psychiatrists deliver outstanding outcomes

Since day one, we've worked with some of the UK’s most respected psychiatrists. As we continue to grow nationwide, we want to expand our team to help us remain at the forefront of evidence-based clinical practice. One of our goals is to make high-quality mental health care accessible to as many people as possible. Having initially developed o...

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Helping autistic children thrive at Christmas

Is your home festooned with shiny tinsel and dripping with flashing fairy lights? If you have an autistic child in the house, the unusual sights, sounds and smells of Christmas can be an intense and unsettling affair. While most neurotypical children revel in the sense of the unexpected each December 25, for autistic kids it can be one of the most ...

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How to cope with overwhelming emotions

We will all experience difficult times in life. For many people, the feelings triggered at these times can be overwhelming, leading to situations that can feel completely out of control. In some instances, this can lead to people breaking down, lashing out, and causing harm to themselves or others. From failing an exam to feeling stressed at work, ...

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Can I take medication for anxiety?

We all feel all experience anxiety at times. But when your anxious feelings don’t go away, if they pop up for no apparent reason, or if they stop you from doing the things you want to, it could be an indication that you have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is a restrictive condition that can affect all areas and stop you from living the life you...

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Five common ADHD myths

The countless misconceptions about ADHD have been around just as long as the condition itself. Often, people with ADHD and those around them believe the misconceptions and internalise them as truth. Unfortunately, the negative impact of these myths can cause serious damage, preventing people from getting the support they need in school, at work, an...

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What is Social Comparison Theory and how does it affect our everyday thinking?

Developed by social psychologist Leon Festinger in 1954, Social Comparison Theory is the idea that there is a drive within each of us to gain accurate self-evaluation. We do this by assessing how we stack up against others, in areas such as attractiveness, wealth, intelligence and success. In the 60-plus years since its conception, the things that ...

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Suffering with anxiety? Here are three types of therapy that can help

Anxiety disorders are among the most common types of mental health problems. They can significantly impact day-to-day functioning and can lead to severe physical symptoms that prevent people with the disorder from living a full and happy life. Overcoming anxiety can be difficult because of how it operates, generating vicious cycle...

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