ADHD assessments for children & teenagers

ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental condition that can affect people of all ages. With support and the right treatment, children and teenagers can successfully manage their symptoms and live comfortable, fulfilling lives.

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Signs of ADHD in children & teenagers

ADHD impacts how people behave. Typically, signs of ADHD are noticed early in childhood and may become more apparent as a child's circumstances change, such as starting school. However, it's not uncommon for the condition to go unrecognised during adolescence and even adulthood.

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  • Fidgeting and having trouble sitting still
  • Difficulty paying attention to details
  • Having trouble staying focused
  • Being easily distracted
  • Difficulty with organisation
  • Running or climbing excessively
  • Feeling restless
  • Interrupting others
  • Forgetfulness
  • Difficulty following through on instructions

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An ADHD diagnosis can open a world of opportunities, providing children with essential tools to handle challenging behaviours and excel in difficult situations, thereby helping them reach their full potential.

Diagnosis is vital in providing your child with the support they need to navigate obstacles and lead a more comfortable life.

What happens in an ADHD assessment?

A neurodevelopmental specialist, who is highly trained and experienced in identifying ADHD, will work closely with you and your child to fully understand their behaviours and identify potential challenges to provide the best support possible.

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Causes of ADHD

While the specific cause of ADHD is still being explored, research suggests that a combination of factors may play a role in its development.

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teenagers sitting together pulling faces

Treatments for ADHD

With a professional diagnosis, we can tailor a personalised treatment plan that will empower your child to effectively manage their daily obstacles and lead a more comfortable life.

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A diagnosis can help your child live a more comfortable and fulfilling life

Speak with an experienced team member for free and in private to determine if an assessment would be beneficial.

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ADHD is diagnosed in children through a detailed assessment that gathers information from multiple sources, including symptom checklists, standardised behaviour rating scales. Information from these sources will determine whether a child has ADHD based on the number and severity of the symptoms presented, and the degree to which these symptoms impact day-to-day life.

The diagnostic interview will last up to 120 minutes. However, before this, six questionnaires need to be completed. Please ensure you complete these in as much detail as possible, providing specific examples where you can. There is also space to add any extra information that may help your clinician understand your child's experiences.

You don't need a referral to take a private ADHD assessment. If you would like your child to be assessed, please call us. We will run through a series of questions over the phone to ensure an ADHD assessment is right for your child. Ultimately, the option to get your child assessed for ADHD will be yours.

Yes, but a GP must provide your child with a referral. Once referred, we will review the information and begin the assessment process where appropriate. We provide assessments to children aged five and above. More information can be found on our Right to Choose page.

Before your child’s assessment, you'll receive several questionnaires. One of these should be completed by a parent or someone who knew your child well during their early years. This person, referred to as the "informant," will provide additional information to aid in an accurate diagnosis.

The pre-assessment questionnaires and the diagnostic interview will focus on identifying whether ADHD symptoms were present during childhood and their impact on your child’s behaviour and development.

Ideally, the informant should attend part of the assessment with your child. If this isn’t possible, please prepare detailed examples of how ADHD symptoms affected your child during their early years. This information will be shared with the psychiatrist to support the diagnosis.

Accurate information about your child’s early experiences and the presence of ADHD symptoms in their early years is crucial for a correct diagnosis. Without it, diagnosing ADHD may be challenging.

Our child ADHD assessments cost £995. This does not include the cost of follow-up appointments or medication costs.

Our assessments are all conducted by appropriately qualified and experienced clinicians.

Following an ADHD diagnosis, medication is often recommended to help manage symptoms. The process of finding the most effective dosage typically involves several follow-up appointments. Before prescribing medication, we will need to see the results of physical health checks such as blood pressure, height, and weight, which you can get from your child's GP.

We offer the choice of online and in-person assessments, subject to availability. We have various clinics for face-to-face appointments around the UK. For more information, please view our current locations.