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Does your child have anxiety? Here are our top tips for parents

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions experienced by children and young people and can be devastating for the whole family. While it’s normal for everyone to worry at times, anxiety disorders are much more serious and can significantly affect your child’s life. In 2020, research from the NHS discovered that the prop...

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How to help schools help your autistic child

For autistic children, attending school can be an intimidating and overwhelming experience. However, in most cases, there should be a range of people who may be able to help, including the school’s Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo), inclusion managers, speech and language therapists, educational psychologists, ...

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Why are so many autistic women overlooked or misdiagnosed?

Since autism was first diagnosed in the 1940s, males have and continue to be, more frequently diagnosed as autistic than females. Lots of theories attempt to explain the difference, including biological reasons, problematic diagnostic measures, and environmental factors. However, no single factor has been proven to account for the gender difference...

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How to help your child with social communication

Understanding spoken language, making sense of, sometimes, complex sentence structure, reading body language, and translating tone of voice can all cause problems for autistic children and young people . However, there are many straightforward, practical things parents and teachers can do right away to better support their children and those they w...

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How can autism-friendly support help my child?

Children flourish when they feel safe and connected to those around them. When an autistic child’s needs are met, they are engaged, confident and more capable of adjusting to change. There are many social barriers that can prevent this outcome. But most can be dealt with by increasing our own understanding, challenging our assumptions and hel...

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How to explain autism to your family and friends

Awareness of autism is growing, with greater representation in our culture thanks to public figures like Chris Packham, Dan Ackroyd and Susan Boyle speaking about their own experiences. But there is still a long way to go. For many, the mental picture of an autistic person hasn’t progressed since Dustin Hoffman’s memorable performance i...

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The advantages of having an autistic child

Having an autistic child brings with it many challenges. In a world geared for the most part towards neurotypical people, your child’s perspective can be hard to understand and some of their behaviours aren’t always easy to handle. But if you’re going through the diagnosis process at the moment, it’s important to know that i...

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The Autistic traits you might not think to look for in girls

For a long time, people thought that autism was an exclusively male condition. Although studies have varied, experts believe the ratio of autistic males to autistic females is 3:1. This doesn’t necessarily mean that autism is less common in girls. In fact, it is much more likely that fewer girls are being diagnosed because their autistic trai...

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Why bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed

Bipolar is one of the most common, yet debilitating mental health conditions in the UK. Affecting every area of your life from relationships to work to socialising, Bipolar also increases your risk of suicide 20 fold4. With the right treatment, Bipolar can be successfully managed, and those with the disorder can go on to live happy, fulfilling live...

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10 tips to better mental health at Christmas

Many of us look forward to Christmas as a time to celebrate, spend time with friends and family and have a break from the normal 9 to 5 of life. This blog suggests 10 ways to ensure your mental health doesn’t suffer at Christmas. Christmas can be a time of the year that brings a lot of challenges in terms of our mental health, and many of us ...

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How can EMDR therapy help overcome trauma?

What is trauma? Psychologists refer to trauma as events that would be upsetting to almost everyone and that involve a reaction of fear, helplessness and terror. Trauma can be a psychological, emotional response to an event or an experience that is deeply distressing or disturbing and can cause the individual to develop limiting, sometimes inaccurat...

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Childhood ADHD – Luke’s story

In the final part of her ADHD series, Dr Sabina Dosani, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Clinical Partner London, introduces Luke, a patient she was able to help with his ADHD. ADHD is one of the most common diagnoses for children in the UK and it is thought that 1 in 10 children will display some signs. For some children, their ADHD is severe...

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10 signs your child might have ADHD

In the second part of the ADHD series, Dr Sabina Dosani, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Clinical Partner London, discusses some common signs your child may have ADHD. ADHD affects thousands of children in the UK and can cause significant distress and disruption. The symptoms of ADHD can often be confused with other conditions and may get wri...

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What causes ADHD?

In this blog, Dr Sabina Dosani, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Clinical Partner London, looks at what ADHD is and what the causes are thought to be. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioural syndrome characterised by core symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. Some children diagnosed with ADHD are pred...

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How do childhood anxiety disorders show themselves?

In this series of blogs, Dr Sabina Dosani explores anxiety in children and adolescents. Here we look at the signs parents may want to look out for in their children. There are several anxiety conditions that children and teenagers can experience and often the symptoms are very different to the symptoms that adults might experience. It’s also ...

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Becky – a 17 year old with OCD

As part of her series of childhood anxiety disorders, Dr Sabina Dosani has used a patient she has worked with previously (all names have been changed) to discuss how OCD can present itself in teenagers and the treatment options available. OCD 1 in 100 children and teenagers suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). A person with obsessive th...

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Anxiety in children – when should you seek help?

In this blog, child and adolescent psychiatrist, Dr Sabina Dosani, explores when it is the right time to seek professional help for your child. Some anxiety in children is normal All children and adults feel stressed from time to time. Experiencing some anxiety in childhood and beyond is normal. As parents know, most toddlers fear monster...

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How can I help my child with stress and when should I seek professional help?

Here, Dr Sabina Dosani – Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Clinical Partner, discusses the signs that your child is stressed and gives some very practical tips on how you can help. Is my child stressed? Stress is sneaky. It creeps up on our children and can cause chaos. Stressed people are often the last to recognise what is happening. Ou...

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How to be a better listener

Active listening is about “listening for meaning”. As a trainee therapist the first skill you must master is active listening. In my experience, it is all about shutting out everything that is going on in my head and just concentrating on what my patient is telling me, it is about being in the “here and now”. Active listenin...

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Anxiety disorder assessments: what to expect from your child’s appointment

  With over 13 % of 16 year olds having an anxiety disorder and prevalence rates on the increase, in this blog Dr Sabina Dosani – Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist explains what to expect for your child or teenager if you come for an assessment with a Psychiatrist. She also discusses some practical tips for helping your child and how the...

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