By Clinical Partners on Friday, 09 February 2018
Category: Child & Teen Anxiety

How to be a better listener

Active listening is about “listening for meaning”. As a trainee therapist the first skill you must master is active listening. In my experience, it is all about shutting out everything that is going on in my head and just concentrating on what my patient is telling me, it is about being in the “here and now”. Active listening can be very therapeutic because it gives the person who is being listened to the opportunity to be really heard. This happens rarely in our busy day-to-day life. How often do we act like we are listening, but we are thinking about something else completely.

Here are a few tips on how to actively listen:

If you can adopt just a few of the tips above, it can help enhance your relationships with others. Shut off any distractions and give some time to try and understand the other person’s perspective. Active listening isn’t just for psychotherapists or counsellors, it’s for everyone.

Read more about our talking therapies options

Marie Smith

Business Development and Content Editor

Marie works as a valued member of the Business Development Team, with a BSc in Psychology and MSc in Neuropsychology. She previously worked in our Triage team and helped to develop the Clinical Partners CAMHS General Assessment and Adult ADHD assessment packages.

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