Support for autistic adults often involves working with a therapist to address the person's needs and helping them manage challenges such as communication or interaction. Sometimes it's a matter of exploring issues with the autistic person and learning behaviours or skills to make things easier in various everyday areas including work or relationships.

Many autistic people will experience other mental health conditions that can worsen if they feel misunderstood, lonely or unsure of how to act. Talking therapy can make a big difference, helping people understand difficulties and live more comfortable, fulfilling lives.

Cognitive behavioural therapy can help

Autistic people often experience emotional problems. Although many non-autistic people also have these issues, autistic people are often more likely to feel provoked by social exclusion, misunderstanding or hostility from others.

CBT teaches social and emotional awareness and enables the individual to develop successful coping mechanisms to help deal with difficult, anxiety-inducing situations. It can be very successful in helping people overcome negative thought patterns they may adopt and as a result can improve feelings of depression, anxiety and low self-worth. Once symptoms of anxiety or depression are improved, other autistic characteristics may change, with things like restrictive or repetitive behaviours often improving.

Read more about talking therapy


I was diagnosed with Autism and anxiety. It has helped me enormously as I now receive support from my University in everything from filling in application forms to preparing for interviews. I also had a short course of CBT and it helped me to gain my confidence and overcome my anxiety. Without the diagnoses none of this would have been possible.

Sophie, Nottingham

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